The E-thrift Management System is a web-based system designed for Zambia police thrift cooperative members with the following functions:

  1. Online Checking of members savings.
  2. Withdraw requests once every quarter of the Year.
  3. Easy Access to cooperative documents.
  4. All forms of Communication will be made through the system.




This is the landing page for all members of the Cooperative who wish to access the system.

For first time system users, you are required to create an account by clicking on the Create an account button at the bottom of the login page.


On the registration page a member is required to enter the following information

  1. Select Division
  2. Gender
  3. Six-digits Employee number.
  4. N.R.C Number.
  5. Active Phone Number.
  6. A valid email address of your choice currently active.
  7. Create a Password with the following conditions in mind: Must contain at least a number, a capital letter, a small letter and at least 8 characters.

After all Seven conditions are met, click on the Register button and wait for the below page to load.

At this stage, the system has sent a message containing a one-time passcode (OTP) to the email that you have used to register onto the system for email verification.

Check either your inbox or Spam folder for an email from Zambia police thrift society and enter the code into the system and then click on Submit for your account to be verified.

If you don’t receive the code from Zambia police thrift society, click on the Resend OTP Number and re-enter your email for the code to be re-sent to your registered email using the below page and repeat the process.

After entering the code from your email, the below page will load, informing you that your email is now verified.

Click on the Sign-in button and you will be redirected to the member sign-in page.

On the sign-in page as shown below, enter your verified email address and password you used to register onto the system and click on the Member sign-in button to log-into the system.

After successful login, all system modules will load

This means that the account you are trying to access has not yet been verified.

Solution: Click on the Click here to Proceed link to go to login page and from there, enter that same active email address and password you used to create an account and follow the process to verify the email address.

Click on forgot Password to reset your password if you have forgotten your password.

Good luck and welcome aboard the E-Thrift Management System